Purple Starfish Kaniva
Our MissionPurple Starfish was established in 2002 to be a community-based retail space that would act as a grass roots small business incubation initiative, whilst building community and raising funds for community groups in Kaniva. Why the Starfish story?Sometimes in the rush of our modern society we forget that even the smallest things in life make a difference to someone, or something. Perseverance against great odds and against the criticism of others is the very hallmark of value-based idealism, as is refusing to accept failure. The understanding that we hold in our hands the power to change a life, a mind, or a circumstance today – right now – is a powerful insight and motivator. At the same time, idealistic acts, even highly symbolic ones, have the power to inspire others to act, and sometimes in numbers significant enough to make a major or even complete impact on the problem at hand.
Purple Starfish